1ST time Zom class given for out-of-state members (Tennessee, Philadelphia)
1ST time husband and wife team to teach back-to-back CLS class (Rev. Donnell and Deaconess Qhuantae Nunn)
1ST time new member from out of state (Tennessee, Philadelphia, Alabama - Tiffany White and Chloe, Elizabeth Smith)
1ST time Deaconess ordination at 11 AM service (Deaconess Sheila Tandy-Daymon & Deaconess Renee Holmes)
1ST time baptism of Philadelphia members (Tiffany White and Chloe). Deaconess ordination candidate Renee Holmes assisted in the pool.
1ST time teaching and facilitating Home Mission at Florida General Baptist State Convention (Dr. Melvin Cotton, Deacon Vic Burrs, Deaconess Julia Burrs, Deaconess Renee Holmes, Dr. Bessie Cotton)
1ST time Min. Treherne having to be a part of the church 10 exchange students - 6 Chiinese, 3 French, 1 Denmark (Theodor Rosenbaum stay 10 months)
1ST time having 3 new ministers preach their Trial Sermon on the same day (Min. Renee Holmes, Min. Clara davis, Min. Clara Stukes)
1ST time a female Reverend sat in the pulpit at the local association service (Rev. Dr. Shirley McCray)
2023 Historical moments
1ST time Deacon Chair & Pastor tag team preach 1ST
Sunday of New Year (Dr. Kathlyn Kiner & Pastor Melvin Cotton)
1ST time Senior Reverend taught at B.C. Graham Leadership
Conference (Rev. Dr. Kathlyn Kiner)
1ST time Deacons & Deaconesses served communion at
the same time (originated by Deaconess Linda Hawkins)
1ST time Deaconess officiated a marriage ceremony
(Deaconess Vivian Green)
1ST time Mission Banquet (Bro. Dwayne Hudson, Deaconess
Linda Hawkins, & staff)
1ST time Deaconesses rendered devotion at Second
Bethlehem Association
1ST time minister hosted Foreign Exchange students
(Min. Gwendolyn Treherne)
1ST time Youth Director achieved Chaplain ordination
(Dr. Natasha Sanford)
1ST time former Chair achieved Chaplain ordination (Dr.
Kathlyn Kiner)
1ST mission trip to Aruba, La Rama, Curacao, Amber Cove
1ST time getting two pastors to commit to organize
Foreign Mission trip for their church (Dr. Witherspoon – New Second Bethel, Dr.
Quann – Mason Chapel)
1ST time Deacons & Deaconesses lead devotion on
Aruba waters
1ST time preachers preaching on Aruba waters
1ST time largest mission team (38 people) to minister in
three area (medical facility, school, villages/street)
1ST time largest Pastor’s Anniversary over $29K gift
(Chair Minister Chaplain Leslie Young)
1ST time Women’s conference in Georgia (Chair Min.
Nadine Sweeney, Co-chair Min. Gwendolyn Treherne)
1STtime Pastor appointed 4TH Vice-Moderator for the Second Bethlehem Association (Pastor Melvin Cotton)
time husband & wife taught a CLS class in the same semester (Rev. Donnell & Deaconess Qhuantae Nunn)
1ST time New Members' class taught via Zoom for a member in Tennessee (Sis. Elizabeth Smith)